Front Row: Ammar Rasheed-(PhD Student, Soil Organic Matter composition at the continental scale), Alexandra Lugo-Arroyo (MS student, dual degree with U. Padua Italy–GHG in Green Roofs), Jerzi Hood (MS student, Soil influence on GHG in cropping systems)
Back Row: Dr. Sherly Perez-Castro (Fe-redox control on temperature sensitivity of heterotrophic respiration in humid
tropical soils), Simone Falvey Gibson (MS student, Soil Health in Basque Transhumance Pastoral Systems), Arwen Coy (BS student, Soil biogeochemical processes impacting metal-carbon interactions), Aaron Thompson (group leader), Joshua Falkowski (MS student, Potential role of Lanthanophores in soil rare earth element biogeochemistry and re-distribution), Nehru Mantripragada (Lab manager and Technician)